Monday 6 January 2014

Star Wars comics return to where it all began.

Over the last few days released an update on their page regarding the licensing for comics and graphic novelization for 2015 and beyond.  The page with its content can be viewed here.

Effectively, with Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm over 12 months ago it has decided to pull the comic and graphic novels of Star Wars back under its own publishing arm Marvel as soon as the contract with Dark Horse expired.

Dark Horse have been exceptionally good for Star Wars, it has maintained a presence in the market place when none existed for a considerable period of time for the franchise and from an avid dark horse comic reader this will be a sad when that last Star Wars comic is produced...

The response from Dark Horse has been short but to the point and can be read here.

One can only hope that Marvel treat this franchise with the same respect that Dark Horse did and give us as many exciting characters and arcs that have popped up in the last few years too...

Thursday 2 January 2014

Lego 2014 Sets – Preliminary list…

Below is a list that has surfaced on Eurobricks of the upcoming Star Wars sets that are scheduled for a mid-year release this year, on first inspection there are some really good sets potentially.

75048 - Phantom
75049 - Snowspeeder 278 pieces
75050 - B-wing 448 pieces
75051 - Jedi Hunter 490 pieces
75052 - Mos Eisley Cantina 615 pieces
75053 - The Ghost piece number unknown yet
75054 - AT-AT  1138 pieces
75055 - Imperial Star Destroyer 

There are some sets that can be assumed to be from the rebels series starting mid-year, I’m assuming that the Phantom, Jedi Hunter and the Ghost may be from this television series.  There has also been some imagery posted on the Star Wars website regarding one of the character from the show being the Inquisitior:

(Images Courtesy of
The phantom is one of the ships from the concept art of the Rebels television show with imagery shown here

The others appear to be from the Original Trilogy (OT), which seems to be in keeping with pushing people into the OT frame of mind prior to the release of Episode 7.

I’ll provide a brief commentary on my expectations for the OT sets as at least they are a known quantity…

75049  Snowspeeder: We’ve had a few of these recently 2013 gave one on the battle of Hoth pack (set number 75014)  Be interesting to see what this produces, hopefully we get an updated model and not the same one we’ve in the previous versions.  It would be nice if it included another Rogue Squadron pilot other than Luke although we have had a number of additional Rogue Squadron pilots in the last couple of years Lego may revert to giving us another Luke.  Personally I’d like to see some more Hoth troopers included in the set to help continue the army building capabilities that been growing over the last 12-18 months.

75050  B-Wing: An unusual choice considering this was the subject of A UCS in 2012, so not too sure why its making a system appearance. I imagine with the B-wing pilot that was part of the Series 4 planet release the need to take full advantage of this character could’ve persuaded Lego to revisit this model.  Previous versions of the B-wing have had some form of docking or hangar arrangement.  This set could do with a few more mechanics, personally there aren’t enough of these people, who kept the rebellion afloat during the war against the Empire, it surely wasn’t MacGyver and bubble gum.

75052 Mos Eisley Cantina:  Perhaps the most anticipated re-release of a long time.  This set has been one of the few scene sets that Lego Star Wars fans have been after for a long time (along with Cloud City), I imagine that it will be greatly anticipated and quickly snapped up when it arrives in stores.  Figures that should be included are: Figrin D’an (Bith musician), Ponda Baba (Walrus Man), Dr Evazan (as he is in the same scene as Ponda Baba), Momaw Nadon (an Ithorian who appears in the background, Han Solo in the booth and the waiter who says “No Droids…” There will most likely be some Sandtroopers and perhaps an upgraded Dewback if the rumors are to be believed.

75054 AT-AT:  As we’ve had a couple of these in the last few years I can only imagine that Lego have some new parts to make this more movie like or additionally some new characters that they wish to include.  It will most likely include several Snowtroopers (you couldn’t have one without them!) an AT-AT driver, maybe a commander (General Veers was released in the 2010 set so highly unlikely that he will make another appearance so soon…).  Perhaps this will be an Empire only set with the Snowspeeder above taking care of the Rebellion component of the battle of Hoth.  The last set for an AT-AT was the 8129 in 2010: 

75055 Imperial Star Destroyer:  In my mind a set that has been crying out for a remake for a considerable amount of time.  This set will most likely include Darth Vader (probably a new likeness) several Stormtroopers and a commanding officer (perhaps a Captain or Admiral).  

I feel that this set will most likely cover Episode IV as Vader uses his Executor class ship (A Super Star Destroyer) in Episode V and it appears in Episode VI, hence the likelihood  of this being Episode IV focused.

If my assumptions based upon the rumoured list are accurate there will be several sets from Rebels, 2 from Episode IV, 2 from Episode V and 1 from Episode VI. However, I believe that one of the unknown sets will most likely cover some EU based theme either the highly successful Old Republic or Perhaps the Yoda Chronicles which is still currently screening.

Regardless to say 2014 looks like a great year if you’re an OT fan….

(Images sourced from Eurobricks, Bricklinks and Hothbricks)

Ahsoka Series gets a release date

  Ahsoka Series release date According to the official facebook page the eagerly awaited Star Wars series Ahsoka will be released on the 20t...