Monday 5 November 2012

Star Wars Lego 2013 Set Pics

After Months of waiting to see the 2013 sets after the list was revealed a European Website has pictures of the box art available to see, the images below are from their website (

In no particular order the images are:


This set seems a little disproportional to me, a newly updated CW style Yoda is long overdue and a 501st Trooper will be a welcome addition to most.  The AT-RT seems a great update on the CW one from 2008 or the one as shown in Episode 3, however, it is still too big in my eyes.

The A-Wing is a nice looking craft although there is little of it seen in the Return of the Jedi, making it a somewhat unusual choice, the more so seeing as it was included in the Fan's choice Home One set a few years back.  A puzzling component of this set is the minifigures, Admiral Ackbar and Han Solo, sure they are in ROTJ do they need to be in this set? I am pretty sure that Lego could've chosen other characters to go in this set that would make more sense.  

I do like the fact that the helmet for the A-Wing Pilot has printing on it, Han's vest seems an update with pockets and the shirt a little more tan,

Barc Speeder:

A Clone Wars styled set which provides and update of Obi-Wan and Rex, see below.  This set seems to be nothing more than the addition of a side car pod, visually there does not appear to be any improvement on the Barc itself. 

Rex looks good with the coloured neck piece, while Obi-Wan appears to have lost the White armoured look and has what appears to be a new hair piece as well, more Commando droids (x2) are handy, especially for those army builders.

Clone Troopers & Droidakeas:

I like this set as it gives us a few Phase 1 Clones and is a movie based set from a movie that gets very little Lego love 'Attack of the Clones'.  

First Impressions, the Droidakeas look pretty ordinary while the clones are nice, not too sure on the vehicle, it looks like a mini command centre and not something that would hover in my opinion, clearly another battle pack aimed at the army builder.  

Rancor Pit:

This set was previewed back in July at San Diego Comic Con, this set is supposed to fit underneath Jabba's Palace set released mid year.  Aside from the Rancor there isn't too much that excites me about this set although the scene build with the throne over the top will be interesting to see how it works.

What does have me pleased is Lego have given us another set and not a ship, these are few and far between, however lately we are seeing more present typified by Jabba's palace and Palpatine's arrest from mid year.

Republic Troopers vs Sith Troopers:

I should probably declare my bias right from the start, I am a huge fan of Expanded Universe so anything said in the lines below is probably tinged with a small amount of bias, although I will try to remain objective.
I like this set for numerous reasons, firstly it corrects the mistake Lego made in the Republic Striker Class Starfighter by not including a clone trooper helmet.  this set does this in spades, there are 2 clones with helmets and distinct weapons, although I'm not a fan of the two handled built weapon when compared to the  3 moulded weapons you get in this set.

The hover vehicle makes little sense possibly just for pieces stacking? it has flick missles it reminds me of the Green Goblin's craft from Spiderman.

Umbaran Mobile Heavy Cannon (MHC):

I quite like this set, although there is some conjecture as to whether this set will be an exclusive set or part of the main line.  I am not sold on the helmets for the Umbaran's although I shall wait until I have a set to see, its good to get another clone (212th) trooper but I have to say that I am impressed with the MHC itself.

The cannon looks quite good, it looks as if it belongs in a CW episode.  Flick missiles seem to be creeping back into SW sets, sometimes unnecessarily although completely understandable in this set. 

Z-95 Headhunter:
I like this ship, which is also part of the Umbaran Arc in CW season 4, not only does it come with General Krell (with 4 arms) I also like the cockpit arrangement where both components open out from the centre.  

A criticism that I have is that the ship itself looks a little bland, too clean (like the dagger squadron B-wing that hasbro released in the legacy collection (2008)), a feww more decals or some battle damage may have given it a fight ready appeal.

Possibly the least liked set in the wave for me. 


Some good some bad, some weird pretty much sums up the 6 below:  

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