Friday 6 July 2012

The State of the Vintage collection going forward...

Currently there is a murmur of discontent amongst collectors with regards to Hasbro's handling of the Vintage Collection Line (TVC - as it is more affectionately referred too).

In Australia we have been plagued by poor distribution and numerous carry over figures from what now shapes as the ill fated Episode 1 'Phantom Menace Wave'

The problem is that TVC has been what collectors have been after in a collection (apart from its size well over 100 figures in the collection now), it has Prequel Trilogy figures, Expanded Universe figures and Original Trilogy figures, it should be a hit and for the most part it is...

Only recently on another forum which I am a member of Mousedroid one of the main retail chains (Big W) have told a member that TVC will not be carried anymore, is this the beginning of the end with etrade becomming the norm for collectors?

I must confess that I am an OS collector, it suits my lifestyle, however I acknowledge that while there are considerable numbers of OS collectors the bulk are still 'hunters' (no disrespect - store based collectors who only pick up from stores).  With less locations to collect from and more people filtering into those stores must at least mean statistically less chance of obtaining full collections?

It seems a shame that since the Episode 1 wave there have been few sightings of future waves, this is not restricted to Australia wholly, it is a trend that is occurring globally.

Perhaps it is time for Hasbro to downsize the collections I mean the way that the CW line has been treated this year is appalling.   The latest wave features one new character (Clone Commander fox x 2) and a number of peg warming carry overs from previous waves see link.

If variety is the spice of life, Hasbro are ever so slowly choking the life out of their various collections...

With the San Diego Comic Con next week I hope SW and the Vintage line get a reboot heading towards the end of the year.

Ahsoka Series gets a release date

  Ahsoka Series release date According to the official facebook page the eagerly awaited Star Wars series Ahsoka will be released on the 20t...